Clearer, Closer, Better: The Power of Perception with Dr. Emily Balcetis | Ep. 052

Clearer, Closer, Better: The Power of Perception with Dr. Emily Balcetis | Ep. 052

In this enlightening episode of the MindHack podcast, we're joined by Dr. Emily Balcetis, an associate professor of psychology at NYU. Dive into the intriguing world of perception, motivation, and decision-making as Dr. Balcetis shares her groundbreaking research. Learn how your environment can nudge you towards better choices, why cutting out temptations might backfire, and the subtle art of building new habits. Whether you're looking to change your snacking habits or find the motivation to hit the gym, this episode offers actionable insights for everyone.

About this Guest:

Psychologist and Author. Focuses on perception and goal-setting.

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